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VRChat: Kaia - Avatar 3.0 - DynamicBones

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VRChat: Kaia - Avatar 3.0 - DynamicBones

6 ratings

*No sell because of TDA Assets*

*Avatar 3.0*

Extra features by Valxykros#9254

I hope you like it! :3

- Avatar 3.0
- Toggles for Top, Clothes under the Top, Tail, Freckles, Accessories, 2 different Collar, ChainBelt, 3 different Ears and 2 different Hairs
- Hue(/Color)-Slider
- Dissolve Effect for most Toggles
- using the newest poiyomi toon shader (faster uploads)
- Alpha/Transparent Slider for parts of the Top
- Radial Puppet for Hair Length, Tail Length and PP Length (uwu)
- WetCat's LocomotionFix + Actionlayer

- FBX included
- FullBody Tracking
- Dynamic Bones for Breast, Chains, Bell, Tongue, Thighs, Hair, Ears, Tail and Ass
- Colliders (Floor, Arms, Hips, Chest, Legs, Head, etc)
- 14 Gestures (You can activate the Fist animation with Fist + Trigger of the Controller)
- No Gesture overlapping
- clean/sorted Project

Tutorial how to use it:

1. Create a new Unity 2019.4.31f1 Project
2. Import the newest poiyomi toon shader ( i used the PoiyomiToonShaderV7.0.100 )
3. Import dynamic bones ( i used the 1.2.1 version )
4. Import the newest 3.0 vrcsdk
5. Import my unitypackage and open the scene :3

You can message me on Discord or join my server if you have any questions! :3 (Nacho_#0001)


1. You are not allowed to take parts off the model to use on your own.
2. You cannot sell a model that has parts taken from the model.
3. You are not allowed to redistribute or sell the model in any way.
4. You are not allowed to make your upload public.
5. You are not allowed to make edits of the model and upload it to your friends account.
6. You are not allowed to give out the package, model or any parts from the model. Personal use only!
7. If you wish to use any of the assets that are on these avatars, you will need to purchase/download from the original creators stated.


Hair: Larens + tda (hyacinth#9999)
Head: Google
Body: Google
Clothing: MGSRaiden (DeviantArt) + Shuubaru (DevianArt)
Collars: Pandaabear and WetCat
ChainBelt: Apyr
Ears: WetCat and Godfall
Tail: WetCat
Extra: Babygirl Ahri Tongue

Discord: nacho_

Sold out, please go back and pick another option.

NSFW 3.0 VRChat Avatar: FBX + Materials + Textures + Prefab + Scene + Animations

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